
Sweden’s Ponsiluoma wins men’s sprint event in Pokljuka

Pokljuka – Sweden’s Martin Ponsiluoma won the men’s sprint at the Biathlon World Championships in Pokljuka on Friday in what was a surprising finish at the first individual event. Second and third places went to France’s Simon Desthieux and Emilen Jacquelin, respectively.

MPs debating eighth economic stimulus bill

Ljubljana – The parliamentary Labour Committee is discussing the eighth economic stimulus bill, worth around EUR 320 million. Labour Minister Janez Cigler Kralj said that with the bill, the government wanted to find the middle ground with social partners by taking into account their proposals as much as possible.

Project launched to strengthen integrity at all school levels

Ljubljana – An integrity project has been launched to mark International Anti-Corruption Day, with President Borut Pahor noting at the event that raising awareness and education on fighting corruption and strengthening integrity was key to boosting trust in society. Other speakers also called for greater integrity at all levels of education.
