Mustafa Karahasano

Do?an executives visit attacked daily's office in Istanbul

Do?an Publishing Group representative Mehmet Ali Yalç?nda? and the deputy chair of the Do?an Media Group's Publishing Principles Committee, Volkan Vural, have paid a visit to the office building of daily Yeni Akit, which was targeted in an armed attack early Feb. 11, to express their sorrow and show solidarity against terror.

Do?an Holding condemns attacks against newspaper offices

Do?an Holding has condemned armed attacks targeting the offices of two newspapers in Istanbul on early Feb. 11.

Do?an Holding Honorary Chairman Ayd?n Do?an and Hürriyet chair Vuslan Do?an Sabanc? called Akit Media Group CEO Mustafa Karahasano?lu and Yeni ?afak Publisher Ahmet Albayrak, condemning the attack and extending their concern at the events.