Mustafa Özel

Moscow show provides glimpse into modern Turkish art

The State Museum of Oriental Art in Moscow has opened a special exhibition project titled "The Bilge Collection" until April 2, providing a glimpse at contemporary Turkish art in the Russian capital.

The exhibition aims to provide an insight into Turkish art through the eyes of Muhsin Bilge (1944 - 2014), a renowned Turkish collector and a passionate lover and patron of art. 

8 dead, 71 injured in multiple crashes ahead of Ramadan holiday

Eight people have died and 71 others were injured in multiple bus crashes across the country ahead of the holiday marking the end of Ramadan, which officially starts on July 16.

Seven people were killed and 39 others were injured when a passenger bus turned over and slid off the road due to heavy rain around 4:15 a.m. on July 15 near a tunnel in the northern province of Bolu.