Nea Makri

Weather: concern about winds in northeast Attica – Winds will increase in the morning, says Kolydas

The fire brigade is concerned about the intensity of the winds, as it is operating for the second consecutive day on the fire fronts from Varnavas and Marathon, up to Penteli and Nea Makri. The winds may have weakened during the night, but by dawn, they will become gusty again, although with lower intensities than yesterday, according to EMF director Thodoris Kolydas.

Devastation in Northeastern Attica: The Heart-Wrenching Image of an Exhausted Firefighter

From 3 PM yesterday, hundreds of firefighters have been waging a titanic and uneven battle against the fire in northeastern Attica, which initially broke out in the Varnava area and has now reached Penteli, threatening Nea Makri as well.

Fire in Attica: Blaze on Mount Pentelis, Two Hospitals Evacuated – 29 Aerial Units Battling, Concerns Over Winds

Dramatic hours are unfolding in northeastern Attica as the fire that started in Varnava on Sunday afternoon is “rapidly advancing and has reached Mount Penteli,” as announced by the Fire Department spokesperson shortly before 6 AM today, “despite the superhuman efforts of all civil protection forces.”

Pregnant teen dies in Nea Makri amid allegations of ambulance delay

A 19-year-old pregnant girl has died in Nea Makri, in eastern Attica. Her relatives claim that she had to wait for hours for an ambulance to arrive.

According to reports, on Tuesday around 11 a.m., the National First Aid Center (EKAV) received a call regarding an 8-month pregnant woman who was feeling unwell and experiencing contractions.