Panagiotis Giannopoulos

Weather: We are not worried about the upcoming bad weather “Boris”, says Kallianos

It seems that summer has bid us farewell for good, as after the bad weather Atena that hit the country, from Friday the weather scene will be affected – not significantly and only temporarily in the western parts of our country – by a new barometric low.

The information is confirmed in a post by meteorologist Yannis Kallianos, stating:

Weather: Volatility is reduced, temperature rises – New wave of bad weather next week

Limited instability in the continental areas in the coming days and a slight rise in temperature is expected, according to the director of the National Meteorological Service (EMF), Thodoris Kolydas. The winds will blow north – northwest 4 to 6 Beaufort and occasionally Friday-Saturday locally in the Aegean Sea at 6 to 7.

Fire in Attica – Kolydas: Strong winds until the early afternoon hours

On a difficult day due to the forest fires in Attica, the main weather feature is strong winds.

Today in Attica, generally clear weather is forecast for today. The winds will be northerly 4 to 6 and locally in the east 7 Beaufort, weakening from the afternoon, while the temperature will reach up to 37 degrees.

Weather: Thunderstorms in the north Thursday and Friday, cools down from Saturday

With a strong wind in the Aegean Sea, today’s day will roll on – at 6 to 7 Beaufort – according to ERT meteorologist Panagiotis Giannopoulos. There will be a few showers mainly in the mountains in Macedonia, while thunderstorms will be in the north Thursday and Friday

Tsipras and SYRIZA rattled by ‘Plan B’ revelations

The Radical Left Coalition (SYRIZA) government stands awkwardly by as accusations fly against former finance minister Yanis Varoufakis over recent press revelations concerning a ‘Plan B’ for the Greek economy that involved hacking tax office software to create a parallel payments system in the case of a Grexit.