Panagiotis Stathis

Psychiko: The shooter waited 1.5 hours for Stathis under his office and killed him when he parked

The end of the thread of the unplanned murder that took place on Tuesday morning (2/7) in Neo Psychiko with the victim of the 54-year-old topographer Panagiotis Stathis attempt to find the executives of Homicide in order to reach the traces of the perpetrator and the perpetrators.

Construction rackets under scrutiny in Athens assassination investigation

The police investigation into the Mafia-style assassination of a 54-year-old civil engineer in the northern Athens suburb of Psychiko on Tuesday morning is reportedly focusing on the victim's professional activities on popular holiday islands where illegal construction runs rampant.

Man gunned down in Athens suburb of Psychiko

Police in the Greek capital were out in force on Tuesday morning looking for a shooter who gunned down a man, identified as a 54-year-old civil engineer named Panagiotis Stathis, in the northern Athens of Psychiko in an execution-style assault.

According to preliminary reports, the man was gunned down in his car, on the corner of Kritis and Eikostis Pemptis Martiou streets.