Panagiotis Terezakis

The candidates for President of the Republic, Samaras and the critical vote, Karamanlis (with the media moguls), the Venezuela Alliance, the waters of GEK TERNA

Hello, we’ve just come out of a satisfying long weekend for the October 28th holiday with a lot of traffic on the national highways as well as the Attiki Odos, which now inevitably needs to be expanded in the coming years because, simply put, it can’t hold us all anymore.

Remote monitoring prevents suburban train from entering metro line by mistake at Doukissis Plakentias

Remote monitoring prevented a suburban train from mistakenly entering a metro line at Doukissis Plakentias. The incident occurred on October 9 and was confirmed by OSE’s CEO, Panagiotis Terezakis, following a report by the Panhellenic Union of Railway Drivers (PEPE).

West Attica Urban Railroad to be completed in second half of 2026

The new West Attica Urban Railroad is expected to be completed in the second half of 2026, Hellenic Railways Organization (OSE) CEO Panagiotis Terezakis said.

"The West Attica Urban Railroad, which began with the signing of the concession agreement in December 2023, is being implemented at a satisfactory pace despite quite a few obstacles, which relate mostly to land expropriations.

Train cash site cleared by order of police, fire brigade

The police and fire department decided to remove the damaged wagons and use diggers to clear the site of the railway accident, the country's deadliest, in Tempe, central Greece, in February 2023, according to statements given at the end of January 2024 to the Larissa Magistrate's Court by the digging machine operators and what was stated, on condition of anonymity, to Kathimerini by officials w

Trains get back on track

Trains and the suburban rail service, which had stopped after the deadly accident in northern Greece on February 28, resume on Wednesday.

The first train is expected to depart from Larissa station at 4.45 a.m. on the Athens-Oinoi route. The new CEO of Hellenic Railways (OSE), Panagiotis Terezakis, will board the train.

SYRIZA says ERGOSE board is made up of ND functionaries

Main opposition SYRIZA has attacked the government over the composition of the board of ERGOSE, a subsidiary of the state-owned railway company OSE that is responsible building infrastructure, saying it was exclusively made up of individuals drawn from the ranks of the ruling New Democracy party.