Paul Sarbanes

Paul Sarbanes, Greek-American Senator, dies at 87

Paul Sarbanes, a longtime US senator from Maryland who championed the enforcement of an arms embargo against Turkey after the 1974 invasion of Cyprus, has died at the age of 87.

His death was announced by his son, US Representative John Sarbanes. 

"My father, Senator Paul S. Sarbanes, passed away peacefully this evening in Baltimore," his son's statement said.

America’s number one Philhellene

One of the most brilliant US Senators of the last half-century, Paul Sarbanes spent over three decades advocating steadfastly for Hellenic and Orthodox issues and setting the standard for the Congressional ideal.  When he approached retirement from the Senate in 2006, we posed the question, "What will we do for our issues when you are gone?"  He answered, "Make sure Bob Menendez is elected to t

A good day for Hellenism in America

The midterm elections in the United States on Tuesday were a good day for Hellenism in America. Democratic Senator Bob Menendez, widely seen as an ally of Greece and Cyprus for over two decades, was re-elected to a third term, while the number of Americans of Greek descent in the House of Representatives also increased.

The Greek lobby and the re-election of an influential senator

Americans go to the polls in five days' time for the midterm elections, in which they will not be voting for a president but for all the seats in the House of Representatives and a third of the Senate. As in any electoral battle of this kind, there are a number of candidates who are more positively inclined toward Greece and whose election could prove instrumental for this country.

U.S. Legislators demand Erdogan apologize & extradite perpetrators of Turkish Embassy attack

Senior members of the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) and Ted Poe (R-TX), Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission Co-Chairman Jim McGovern (D-MA), and Representatives Jim Costa (D-CA) and John Sarbanes (D-MD) condemned Turkish President Erdogan’s violent crackdown – both in Turkey and the U.S.
