Petar Djokic

Djedovic Handanovic: Preparatory works for Buk Bijela project complete

BELGRADE - Serbian Minister of Mining and Energy Dubravka Djedovic Handanovic said on Thursday Serbia had completed the preparatory works for a project to build a Buk Bijela hydropower plant in collaboration with Republika Srpska.

The minister said completing all environmental impact studies and selecting the main contractor was what remained to be done.

Bosnian Serbs Woo Investors From Russia

Republika Srpska, the Serb-dominated identity in Bosnia, and Russia aim to strengthen economic ties, officials said, as a Bosnian Serb delegation toured Russia touting for business.

Anton Sokolov, from the Russian embassy in Sarajevo, told BIRN on Thursday that Russian entrepreneurs want to increase their investments in the energy sector in the entity.

Bosnian Serbs Delay Electricity Price Rise After Protests

The government of Bosnia's Serb-dominated entity has halted an announced increase in electricity prices at the last moment after coming under fierce pressure from consumers, experts, unions, the opposition and even some members of the ruling parties.

"As a single mother, I was outraged," a resident of the northwestern town of Prijedor told BIRN on Thursday, about the plan.

Preparations for joint session of Serbia, RS govts

BELGRADE - Serbian First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic conferred with Republika Srpska (RS) Minister of Labour and Veteran Affairs Petar Djokic on Wednesday, and during the meeting, they discussed the preparations for the forthcoming joint session of the two governments due to take place in Belgrade on September 20.

Vulin: Perpetrators of crime against Serbs need be punished

BRATUNAC – A central manifestation to commemorate 22 years since a crime against Serbs in the Middle Drina valley in Republika Srpska (RS), the Serb entity of Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH), where Muslim forces killed 3,267 Serb civilians and soldiers during a four-year war, was held in the RS town of Bratunac Saturday.

Commemoration for JNA soldiers killed in Dobrovoljacka

EASTERN SARAJEVO - Serbs from Republika Srpska (RS) commemorated on Saturday the death of 42 soldiers of the former Yugoslav Army (JNA) who were killed in the Dobrovoljacka street in Sarajevo 22 years ago, and at the same time, former members of the so called Green Berets gathered at the same location, but they dispersed without incident.
