Rami Hamdallah

Hamas, Fatah sign deal on Palestinian reconciliation

Rival Palestinian factions Hamas and Fatah signed an agreement on Thursday (12 October) on ending a decade-long split following talks mediated by Egypt in Cairo, with president Mahmud Abbas calling it a “final” accord.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu strongly condemned the deal, saying it would make peace with his country “much harder to achieve”.

Palestinian local polls delayed for up to four months

The Palestinian government decided Oct. 4 to delay municipal elections for up to four months after the high court ruled they should be held only in the West Bank and not in the Gaza Strip.
However, a new date for the vote was not set by the government based in the West Bank, the Palestinian territory run by President Mahmud Abbas's Fatah party.

Bulgaria, Palestine Pave Way for Deeper Ties during PM Visit to Ramallah

Bulgaria's Prime Minister Boyko Borisov has welcomed the signing of a memorandum between Bulgaria and Palestinian authority which creates a joint ministerial committee.

Borisov was on a visit to Ramallah on Wednesday where he met counterpart Rami Hamdallah.

Welcome to Palestine PM @BoykoBorissov pic.twitter.com/0QMSOq9QN2

Turkish businesses want to rebuild Gaza for $5 billion

A team from the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) has spoken about a $5-billion Turkish plan prepared by the Center for Multilateral Trade Studies at the Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV) to rebuild Gaza City, after a series of meetings with officials from both Israel and Palestine. 

PM A. Tsipras schedule in Israel and Palestine

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is in Israel and Palestine on Wednesday and Thursday for a number of high-level meetings. The PM’s itinerary includes a brief tour of the Holocaust Monument for a wreath-laying ceremony followed by a meeting with Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu. Both men will give a joint press conference and then meet alone. At 4 p.m.
