Ratko Romić
Serbia Frees Journalist’s Murder Case Defendants from House Arrest
Belgrade Court of Appeal has ended the house arrest order for two Serbian State Security operatives, Ratko Romic and Milan Radonjic, who are currently being retried for participation in murder of prominent opposition Serbian journalist Slavko Curuvija in April 1999.
Serbia Told to Compensate Defendants in Journalist’s Murder Case
The European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg ruled on Tuesday that Serbia violated the rights of Milan Radonjic and Ratko Romic, who are being tried for involvement in the 1999 murder of prominent Serbian journalist Slavko Curuvija.
Serbian Security Unit Commander Refuses Court Questions About Curuvija Murder
Former Serbian State Security Unit for Special Operations, commander Milorad "Legija" Ulemek, refused to answer questions about the murder of Serbian journalist Slavko Curuvija at the Belgrade Court of Appeal.
Legija told the court that he stands by his 2014 statement from the investigation and his 2016 statement from the first trial.
Belgrade Appeals Court Starts Trial in Murdered Journalist Case
Former head of Serbian State Security Radomir Markovic repeated to the appeal court that he is not guilty for the 1999 murder of the Serbian journalist and editor Slavko Curuvija.
Markovic claimed that Curuvija was only put under state surveillance "due to his contacts with foreign intelligence agencies …The task of every state security is to establish the nature of these contacts".
Serbia Convicts State Security Officers of Journalist’s Murder
Belgrade Higher Court on Thursday found four former Serbian state security employees guilty after a retrial of the murder in 1999 of journalist and editor Slavko Curuvija, who was known for his opposition to the regime of Slobodan Milosevic.
Enemy of the State: How a Serbian Journalist Became a Shooting Target
"When I came to [daily newspaper] Borba in 1990, he was a reporter and political analyst, and known for writing a couple of pamphlets, one of which I remember was about the people from Goli Otok [political prison in Socialist Yugoslavia]," Gunjic recalled.
Retrial for Curuvija's murder completed; Verdict on December 2
Accused of participating in the April 11, 1999 murder, the then head of the Belgrade State Security Center (DB), Milan Radonjic, and DB's inspector, Ratko Romic, reiterated at the end of the trial that "they are not guilty and the indictment was mounted to convict the DB."
Investigators Into Serbian Journalist’s Murder ‘Still in Danger’
The Chairman of Serbia's Commission for Investigating Murders of Journalists during Slobodan Milosevic's regime, Veran Matic, told BIRN that investigators still face grave risks doing their job.
Special Court announces verdicts in Curuvija murder case
After reading the verdict, the president of the Trial Chamber announced that the accused Radomir Markovic and Milan Radonjic were sentenced to 30 years in prison. Miroslav Kurak and Ratko Romic received 20 years each, Prva TV reported on Friday.
"Key evidence in Curuvija murder case barely accepted"
If closing arguments begin during the continuation of the trial for the murder of Slavko Curuvija, the Deputy Prosecutor will have the opportunity to highlight some of the most important evidence.