
Murder in Italy: “I first stabbed my brother, he cried ‘dad,’ I covered his mouth and continued”

The description provided by 17-year-old Ricardo of how he killed his 12-year-old brother and parents is chilling, in a family tragedy that has shaken Italy.

In his confession before being remanded in custody, the 17-year-old began to recount the events:

COVID-19 Worsening Environment for Media Freedom, Report Warns

Albanian journalists and cameramen reporting about the COVID-19 pandemic in Tirana, on March 30, 2020. Photo: LSA

The report, "Attacks on media in Europe Must Not Become the New Normal", states that about 140 alerts were filed with the platform during 2019, including 103 from Turkey, 21 from Serbia and 11 from Albania.

UEFA 10 great EURO moments: Euro2004 Charisteas goal vs. Portugal (video)

With the Euro2016 competition in France just 3 days away, the official website of UEFA posted an article titled ‘Ten great EURO moments: Charsiteas’s header’. The piece explains why it is one the great moments of a European football championship. The site spoke to the protagonists of that moment, which is still considered by most sport pundits as one the greatest upsets in any sports.