Stathis Boukouras

Golden Dawn trial starts in absence of leaders; adjourned to May 7

The long-awaited trial of the leadership and MPs of the neofascist Golden Dawn and dozens of party supporters began on Monday in a special courtroom at Korydallos Prison, western Athens, but GD?s leaders were conspicuous by their absence, and the proceedings were adjourned until May 7.

Ex-Golden Dawn MP Stathis Boukouras released on bail

Former Golden Dawn MP Stathis Boukouras was released from pre-trial custody on Wednesday following a ruling by the council of appeals judges.

Boukouras, who now stands as an independent in Parliament, was on Wednesday ordered by judges to post 10,000 euros in bail and was banned from leaving the country.

First presidential vote a litmus test for government

The first of possibly three presidential ballots will take place on Wednesday evening, with the government expecting its candidate, Stavros Dimas, to receive at least 161 of 300 MPs’ votes, which will be well short of the 200 needed to be elected but a basis for the coalition to work from for the final ballot on December 29, when 180 votes will be required.
