Theodoros Fessas

Taxes, corruption hamper business

High tax rates and the combination of corruption with a lack of transparency top the list of the most important obstacles to entrepreneurship in Greece, according to a survey conducted by MRB for the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises (SEV). The corruption and insufficient transparency combo has risen from the fifth most significant obstacle last year to the second in 2018.

Fessas: Gov't says different things to different people

In an extraordinary press conference on Tuesday the head of the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises (SEV), Theodoros Fessas, responded to an attack from Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras a day earlier, accusing the government of saying different things to different people, undoing reforms and a policy of polarization.

SEV warns against mistakes of past

Following the Eurogroup's debt relief decision, priority must now be given to growth, along with sticking to reform implementation and responsible fiscal management, according to the head of Greece's industrialists, Theodoros Fessas, who also warns against a return to the bad habits of the past.

Dragasakis: Undertaxation, private sector to blame for the crisis

Deputy Prime Minister Yiannis Dragasakis has responded to accusations leveled against the government about overtaxing the Greeks, claiming that Greece defaulted because of undertaxation in previous years, while also placing the biggest part of the blame for the crisis on the private sector.

SEV proposes that pay ought to hinge on productivity

The Hellenic Federation of Enterprises (SEV) is in favor of a production model that would get rid of the distortions of the past as well as those created by the crisis, proposing that salary levels be contingent on productivity.

This is the main message the industrialists' union will convey at a conference it is holding on Tuesday with the participation of the main unions.

SEV chairman urges gov't to find solution over Eldorado

Hours after Canadian mining company Eldorado Gold said it planned to suspend investment at its mines in northern Greece following what it said are government delays in the issuing of permits and licenses, the chairman of the Athens-based Hellenic Federation of Enterprises (SEV), Theodoros Fessas, called upon the left-led government to find a "political solution" to the problem.

PPC 'runs risk of sudden death'

Greek enterprises are particularly worried about the state of the electricity market, the uncertainty over the sustainability of Public Power Corporation (PPC) and the government's unrealistic plans for enhancing competition, as statements by the head of the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises (SEV) illustrated on Wednesday.
