Veljko Odalovic

Kosovo Seeks Satellite Images of Suspected War Grave in Serbia

The Kosovo government told BIRN that more satellite images are needed of the Stavalj mine near Sjenica in south-west Serbia, where Kosovo Albanian victims of the Kosovo war are suspected to have been buried, in order to reach a definitive conclusion about whether excavation work at the site should continue or stop.

Vučić: "I hope we will not have to take countermeasures, as that won't be good" VIDEO

At the beginning of his address, Vui said that this is one of the most difficult days for our people in Kosovo and Metohija.
"Albanians also hired snipers who covered the houses of young Serbs who could oppose their illegal actions," the president said.

They said: recognize Kosovo's independence; I've never experienced anything like this

Selakovic revealed what was happening behind closed doors in Brussels.
After the talks, it is known that both delegations rejected the proposals made by the opposing parties, and the only thing that is certain is that the dialogue will continue in July.
