
A Violetta in Athens with Hollywood sparkle

American-born, lyric coloratura soprano Nadine Sierra is one of the brightest stars in today's operatic firmament. Her glorious, sensuous vocal instrument - without hint of the dryness often present in this type of voice - is combined with considerable acting skills and looks to kill: a combination of Hollywood and the pages of Vogue.

'Leontina Vaduva and the World's Greatest Stages' exhibition at Sutu Palace extended through March 8

"Leontina Vaduva and the World's Greatest Stages" exhibition of works made by artist Florian Doru Crihana on December 2020 anniversary of the beloved soprano will stay open throughout March 8 in the lobby of the Museum of Bucharest, Sutu Palace.

US star soprano misses La Scala gala season-open debut

Soprano Lisette Oropesa was to be the first American to sing a title role in the gala season opener at La Scala since Maria Callas in the 1950s. Then Italy's virus cases surged.

An outbreak in both La Scala's chorus and its orchestra forced the country's premier opera house to cancel for the first time one of the top events on Europe's cultural calendar.