Vladimir Yordanov

Deputy Chair of Sofia City Court Resigns

Chairman of Bulgaria's Supreme Court of Cassation (VKS) Lozan Panov announced that one of the deputy chairs of Sofia City Court (SGS) - judge Ivo Dachev resigned on Wednesday.

Although both Panov and Justice Minister Hristo Ivanov have demanded the immediate resignation of SGS's management en bloc, this has not happened to date, Darik radio reports.

Judge at Supreme Court of Cassation Appointed Interim Head of Sofia City Court

The Supreme Judicial Council (VSS) has accepted the resignation of Vladimira Yaneva from the post of Sofia City Court Chair and elected Vladimir Yordanov, judge at the Supreme Court of Cassation (VKS) as interim head of the court.

Yordanov's appointment as interim Chair of the Sofia City Court was proposed by Lozan Panov, VKS Chair.