Vuk Jeremic

Serbian Betters Bank on Vucic Winning Presidency

Bookmakers in Serbia say the odds are heavily in favour of the Prime Minister and head of the ruling Serbian Progressive Party, Aleksandar Vucic, winning the presidential election.

The chances of him winning outright in the first round are slightly lower than his chances of winning in the second round, however, they said.

Vuk Jeremic officially becomes presidential candidate

The Republic Electoral Commission (RIK) has confirmed ("declared") Vuk Jeremic as one of the candidates in the upcoming presidential election in Serbia.

Jeremic was nominated by the Moramo Bolje ("we must do better") group of citizens, that collected 14,360 legally valid signatures of voters who supported Jerermic's candidature.

Vucic would take 55.2 pct in presidential elections - poll

If presidential elections were held on Sunday, Aleksandar Vucic would receive 55.2 percent of the vote, if he ran as a candidate of his ruling SNS party.

Former Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic and opposition SRS party leader Vojislav Seselj could count on 12.1 percent each, a Faktor Plus poll presented on Wednesday shows.
