Wesley Clark

"We sent the Serbian state a message - we can still bomb you"

Military analyst and senior adviser to former US President Donald Trump, retired colonel Douglas McGregor, believes that a wrong status quo has been created in Kosovo.
Such a status, he believes, cannot be maintained without the presence of foreign military forces, the Kosovo online writing of Serbian Radio Chicago reports.

21 years since the NATO bombing

The sirens were heard for 78 days and the total number of casualties was never determined. An estimated 1,200 to 2,500 people were killed in the 11 weeks, with total material damage estimated at tens of billions of dollars.
The attack on Serbia, or the FRY, was carried out without UN Security Council approval, which was a precedent.

Gen. Wesley Clark Discusses with Bulgarian PM the Fight Against Smuggling of Fuels

Prime Minister Boyko Borissov and ministers met with former supreme commander of NATO forces in Europe, Gen. Wesley Clark, who is in Bulgaria as counselor of a Swiss organization dealing with the fight against illegal trade and the fight against smuggling. This was reported this morning by NOVA TV.
