Yiannis Makriyiannis
Heroes of the 1821 War of Independence at the National Gallery
The work of Karl Krazeisen (1794-1878), a Bavarian captain and self-taught artist who spent time in Greece in 1826 and is responsible for capturing images of the pantheon of 1821 War of Independence heroes, is the subject of a timely exhibition at the National Gallery.
Exhibition highlights ancient roots of modern revolution
The exhibition "This Is What We Fought For: Antiquities and the Greek Revolution," currently on display at the National Archaeological Museum (NAM) in Athens, was inspired by an anecdote about Greek General Yiannis Makriyiannis paying a group of soldiers not to sell two splendid ancient statues to European buyers.
Tsipras defends 3rd memorandum, admits that SYRIZA promises weren't met
Resigned prime minister Alexis Tsipras held at press conference on Monday from the same city where last year he unveiled his now infamous …Thessaloniki program — boosting social spending, state investments and scrapping the memorandum — although this year’s agenda was predictably dominated by his seven months in power and the third memorandum he negotiated and signed.