Yusuf Halaço

MHP's candidate announced as first runner for parliament speaker post

Soon after taking his oath with other members of the newly elected national assembly on Nov. 17, a high-profile Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) deputy has applied to run as a candidate for the post of parliament speaker, Turkey's second most senior position in state protocol.

Former CHP leader instigates debate over parliament election speaker process

Statements by a veteran member of parliament, Republican People's Party's (CHP) Deniz Baykal, who recently lost his run for parliament speaker's office, led to disagreements over incidents leading up to the election of the speaker, which was finalized last week with the election of the Justice and Development Party's (AKP) candidate, ?smet Y?lmaz.

Deputy parliamentary speaker's request for translation from Kurdish at General Assembly angers MHP

More tension has arisen in parliament after Deputy Parliamentary Speaker Ay?enur Bahçekap?l? requested a translation of statements by the Peoples? Democratic Party (HDP) in Kurdish to be translated into Turkish for the official stenograph.