
Bar association report says 14-year-old directly targeted and killed by police in southeastern Turkey

A 14-year-old who was allegedly shot dead by police in the southeastern district of Cizre on Jan. 6 was directly targeted, according to a report prepared by the ??rnak Bar Association's Human Rights Center.

Turkish police allegedly shoot dead 14-year-old shoe-shiner in latest attack in Cizre

Ümit Kurt. DHA Photo

Turkish police allegedly shot dead a 14-year-old late Jan. 6 in the southeastern district of Cizre, in the latest deadly incident to occur in the area following an outbreak of violence between Kurdish Islamists and supporters of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK).

PKK youth branches’ ditches being filled in calmer Cizre town

The municipality of Cizre, the southeastern town in the province of Şırnak that recently witnessed deadly unrest, has begun closing ditches dug by the youth branch of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK). The ditches had been dug in a bid to prevent the security forces enter particular neighborhoods.
