
Catalan MEP convinced Serbia must recognize Kosovo

"For Serbia, recognizing Kosovo is an absolute condition for joining the EU," Josep Maria Terricabras, a member of the European Parliament from Spain, has said.

"Absolutely and without a doubt Serbia will be under obligation to do that before joining the EU," Terricabras told the Albanian language daily Zeri from Pristina, the Beta news agency reported.

Sarajevo Festival-Goers Overflow at Holbrooke Film

A cinema in Sarajevo was too small to hold all would-be viewers on Sunday of "The Diplomat", a documentary by the American director David Holbrooke about the life of his US diplomat father.

Holbrooke is seen as the mastermind behind the 1995 Dayton Peace Accords, which ended the four-year war in Bosnia.

Serb politician on hunger strike "denied visits in hospital"

Oliver Ivanovic's lawyer Nebojsa Vlajkovic has said that the health condition of his client is becoming "increasingly more serious."

The Serb politician from northern Kosovo, who heads Civil Initiative SDP, was taken to the hospital over the weekend where he continues his hunger strike, started on August 7.
