s Yüksekova

Army death toll rises to four in clashes with PKK in Turkey's southeast

The soldier death toll in clashes with the outlawed Kurdistan Workers? Party (PKK) in the southeastern province of Hakkari has increased to four, Turkish Armed Forces has said Oct. 18.

Three soldiers were killed in operations against the PKK in the Da?l?ca village of Hakkari?s Yüksekova district, while six soldiers were wounded, including one in critical condition. 

Dutch journalist set to be deported after being released in Turkey's southeast

A Dutch journalist who was detained in Turkey?s southeastern province of Hakkari?s Yüksekova district on Sept. 5 on grounds of ?helping an armed terrorist organization,? has been released and was set to be deported, Do?an News Agency reported on Sept. 9.

Lack of jobs will quicken breakaway in Turkey's east, says CHP report

If the Turkish state does not find a cure to unemployment in the country?s eastern and southeastern provinces, the process of the area?s breakaway from the rest of the country will accelerate, according to a report prepared by a group of Republican People?s Party (CHP) lawmakers. 

Female soldier tells mourning mother 'rich people don't become soldiers, don't die'

A non-commissioned female officer, accompanying the mother of a killed soldier during his funeral, took the attention of the media when she said that rich people would not become soldiers nor be martyred, while trying to soothe the mother?s pain.

No news from seven customs officials for almost two days in Turkey's southeast

Seven customs officials have not been heard from since early Aug. 10 in the southeastern Turkish province of Hakkari.

The officials, who had been temporarily appointed to the recently opened Üzümlü Border Gate with Iraq, in Hakkari?s Çukurca district, have not been contacted since traveling to the area. 

Bear to stay with 'mom'

The legal battle over the housing of a bear, which had been the subject of a lawsuit for seven years, has finally come to an end after it was decided the animal would stay with her adopted human ?mother,? daily Hürriyet has reported. 

Cihan Photo

HDP head criticizes Turkish president Erdo?an for choosing sides

The Peoples? Democratic Party?s (HDP) co-chair Selahattin Demirta? said opening an airport means nothing if Erdo?an keeps boldly insulting the HDP and its voters in the southeastern province of Hakkari and elsewhere, referring to an airport opening ceremony in Hakkari?s Yüksekova district where President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an and Prime Minister Ahmet Davuto?lu delivered speeches.