
Dissident artist Weiwei opens major London show

An exhibition Ai Weiwei opened at London's Royal Academy of Arts is his first in five years which he could personally supervise after recovering his passport A major retrospective of the work of Chinese dissident artist Ai Weiwei opens at London's Royal Academy of Arts (RA) on Sept. 17, exploring his subversive exploration of human rights abuses.

Bamboo-zled: Panda surprises with birth of twins

A rare giant panda called Mei Xiang gave birth to twin cubs at the Smithsonian National Zoo in Washington on Aug. 22, apparently surprising delighted zoo officials who had expected just one baby.

A first tiny cub -- pink, hairless and only about the size of an adult mouse -- was born at 5:35 pm (2135 GMT) and Mei Xiang reacted by tenderly picking up the cub.

Most crowded pool in the world (pics-not very pleasant or hygienic)

The meaning of big takes on a whole new dimension when we are talking about China. A medium sized province could have a population of tens of millions. We all remember the unbelievable scale of the opening ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympic games. Big in China means really BIG!
