Tamil Nadu

Death toll from Indian toxic alcohol rises to 63: police

The death toll from a batch of illegal alcohol that devastated a town in southern India last week has risen to 63, police said Thursday.

Hundreds of people die every year in India from cheap alcohol made in backstreet distilleries, but this case in Tamil Nadu state is one of the deadliest in recent years.

Deaths from Indian toxic alcohol rise to more than 50

The death toll from a batch of toxic illegal alcohol in India has risen to 53, media reported Sunday, as more victims in hospital succumbed to the poisonous brew.

Tamil Nadu state Chief Minister M.K. Stalin has said the locally brewed arrack drink was laced with poisonous methanol, killing 37 within hours after they drank the illegal alcohol on Tuesday.

India protests rage on as death toll rises to 20

Thousands of people joined fresh rallies against a contentious citizenship law in India on Dec. 21, with 20 killed so far in the unrest.    

The death toll jumped after demonstrations turned violent on Dec. 20 in the most populous state of Uttar Pradesh, leaving at least 11 dead including an eight-year-old boy, who was trampled.    

Damascus blacksmiths had made steel blades with carbon nanotubes long before they were scientifically discovered

This is one of those stories about a technology invented and then forgotten. For example, when the Romans invented concrete and then another civilization reinvented it thousand years later. Well, it turns out that the skilled Damascus blacksmiths had produced blades containing carbon nanotubes at least 400 years before modern science began to understand their strength.

India sentences 35 crew of US anti-piracy ship

An Indian court sentenced Jan. 11 a total of 35 sailors, including several from Britain, Estonia and Ukraine, for illegally entering Indian waters carrying weapons aboard a U.S.-operated anti-piracy boat in 2013.

A judge in India's southern state of Tamil Nadu ordered all 35 crew present in the court to serve five years in jail, the prosecutor in the case, S Chandrasekar told AFP.
