Abdul Hamid

Mastermind of Paris attacks dead, prosecutor says

The suspected mastermind of the Paris attacks, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, has been identified among the dead of Saint Denis raid, as French public prosecutor announced on Thursday.

A day after a raid conducted by French police forces , authorities announced that one of the terrorists killed is Abdelhamid Abaaoud . His body was found in the building in northern Paris.

Le Soir names a Belgian grocer’s son as mastermind of the Paris Attacks

Belgian media named Abdel Hamid Abaaoud, a returning Syrian jihadi, as the mastermind of the Paris attacks. Belgian newspaper, Le Soir, cited Belgian sources to outline the role of Abaaoud, a grocer’s son from the Belgian town of Molenbeek, as the radical extremist who was the brains behind the attack.
