Aeolis quadrangle

Mars rover reaches site that scientists still can’t explain

When new discoveries on Mars are made you typically see the name “Curiosity” associated with them, but NASA has another rover cruising around the martian surface, and it just arrived at one of the most confusing places on the planet. The pint-sized rover is now investigating “Perseverance Valley” — a massive gash in the martian surface that researchers still can’t fully explain.

NASA discovers “metal rock” on Mars (photos-video)

NASA’s curiosity Rover has discovered a space rock on planet Mars. The rock has a totally different look from the Mars environment due to the fact that it is composed of different materials. NASA investigated further into the space rock and used the Rover’s ChemCam laser providing experts with more data on the rock’s chemical make up profile.

Mars’ beautiful “blue sunset”

Curiosity Mars rover is currently exploring Gale crater on Mars, since 2012. The NASA space vehicle recently sent over some amazingly beautiful pictures of a “blue sunset” from the planet.


The photos were received on the 15th of April and depict the sun being lost over the horizon of the red planet.

