
Life expectancy has risen by 10 years

Life expectancy at birth increased by almost 10 years since 1970, says a report published by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

Nearly all OECD and emerging countries have experienced large gains in life expectancy over the past 40 years. Life expectancy at birth in Turkey, Korea and Mexico has increased by twenty years or more over the period 1970-2010.

China officially ends its one-child policy

China announced the end of its controversial one-child policy on Thursday. Its strict and brutal enforcement left the country with an ageing population and shrinking workforce.

All couples now will be allowed to have two children, the official Xinhua news agency reported, citing a communique issued by the ruling Communist Party.

Greek elderly crushed by crisis, but charity steps in where the state fails

The 2015 Global AgeWatch Index states that Greece is the worst country in Europe when it comes to socio-economic prosperity. Six years of financial crisis and austerity measures have left thousands of Greek senior citizens crushed by pension slashes and tax  hikes.  Thousands of Greek seniors face serious problems as a result of the ongoing crisis.

People born in summer are taller than those born in winter

A study by Cambridge University found that babies born in the summer months are stronger and taller than their counterparts. The research, conducted on 450,000 Britons, found that pregnant mothers who absorb more health-boosting Vitamin D from sunshine in their second and third trimesters give their babies a head-start in life.

Average Life Expectancy in Bulgaria: 74 Years

The average life expectancy in Bulgaria is 74 years, with women living seven years longer than men, Nova TV reported on Thursday.

Women in Bulgaria live 77.6 years on average, while the life expectancy for men is 70.6 years, Nova TV said, quoting data announced at a  meeting on the demographic challenges in the countries of the Southeast Europe Cooperation Process (SEECP).

Greece ageing at alarming rate, study shows

According to a study conducted by New York-based NGO ‘HelpAge International’, Greece is a ‘demographic ticking time bomb’. The data published in Greek newspaper ‘Kathmerini’ revealed that the population of Greece is ageing at an alarming rate, while it is turning into one of the most dangerous place for pensioners to live in.
