Agriculture in Bulgaria
Vintner's Day in Bulgaria: Celebrating Saint Tryphon Amidst Saint Valentine's
Trifon Zarezan, also known as Vintner's Day, is a cherished Bulgarian national holiday celebrated on February 14th, coinciding with Saint Valentine's Day. While Saint Valentine's Day is widely associated with romance and love, Trifon Zarezan holds a unique place in Bulgarian culture, honoring Saint Tryphon, the patron saint of vineyards, winegrowers, and gardeners.
Bulgarians Celebrate Trifon Zarezan – Day of the Vine Growers and Winemakers
Today Bulgarians celebrate Trifon Zarezan in the old style - the feast of the vine-growers and wine, also known as Zarezanovden, Trifun Chipia and Trifun Zarezoy.
The day of the Holy Martyr Tryphon from ancient times is associated with the first pruning of the vineyards.
The wine festival has ancient roots and is rich in rituals - says ethnographer Nedka Dimitrova:
Grain Harvest in Bulgaria is at a Five-Year High, and Prices are Rising
Wheat is 32% more expensive, and for sunflowers the annual increase is 35%. Maize prices the most - by 42%
The wheat harvest in Bulgaria is increasing by over 50% this year compared to 2020, crossing the limit of 7.1 million tons of production. This is the best level for the last five years.
Bulgarian Farmers Will get Over EUR 2 Million to Overcome the Consequences of the Pandemic
In 2020, Bulgaria's State Fund Agriculture is to distribute over EUR 2 million under the de minimis scheme to help the Bulgarian farmers sell their fresh fruits and vegetables. The assistance is part of the measures aimed at overcoming the consequences of the state of emergency which was in place in Bulgaria due to the covornavirus pandemic.
Bulgarian Fresh Produce Exports Grew in 2018
From January to October 2018, Bulgaria exported 46,000 tons of fresh vegetables and 43,400 tons of fresh fruit. This is 41.8% and 39.9% more, respectively, than in 2017, according to the latest operational analysis of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry, reports Fresh Plaza.
- Read more about Bulgarian Fresh Produce Exports Grew in 2018
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