Air quality guideline

Highly Polluted Air in Ruse, Vidin, Plovdiv and 6 Other Cities in Bulgaria

Dangerously high pollution was registered this morning in Vidin, Ruse and Plovdiv, according to a NOVA report on the European Commission's Air Quality Index portal.

In Vidin, measuring instruments of the Environmental Executive Agency reported a fine particulate matter concentration of 125 micrograms per cubic meter, which is more than 2 times the norm.

Air Pollution in Sofia Reaches Levels that are 6 Times Above Norms

In the last hours air pollution in Sofia with fine particles has reached 6 times above the norms, according to data from the National Automated System for Control of Ambient Air Quality. Highest values ​​are recorded in "Nadezhda" and "Hipodrome" at 21-22 hours last night in "Mladost".