Alexandros Giotopoulos

Ex-terror group chief in hospital

The convicted leader of the now defunct November 17 urban terror group, Alexandros Giotopoulos, is reportedly being treated for a pulmonary embolism while under guard at the Sotiria hospital in northern Athens.

Giotopoulos has been in hospital for at least 10 days after suffering a serious respiratory infection, with his health further burdened by his age and other illnesses.

Terrorists can seek early release under contentious new penal code

Four jailed members of the now-defunct Greek terrorist group November 17, including leader Alexandros Giotopoulos, will be able to apply as of Tuesday for conditional release on the basis of a new penal code that came into effect Monday, and the group's hitman Dimitris Koufodinas will be able to do the same in September.

17N leader Giotopoulos can apply for release from prison under new penal code

Under the terms of the new penal code (Article 110A) passed in parliament by the ruling party recently and which is in effect as of 1 July, the convicted leader of the 17N terrorist group Alexandros Giotopoulos and other prominent members can apply for release from prison under the condition that they wear a prison bracelet.