
Brazil is Open to Accept Aid For Fires in the Amazon

Brazil is open to receive financial assistance from organizations and foreign countries to fight the fires in the Amazon.

This was announced by a government spokesman after the Brazilian authorities had earlier rejected the G7 proposal. The condition, however, is for Brazil to decide for itself how to use the funds.

Leonardo DiCaprio Donates $ 5 million for the Amazon Rainforest Fires

Leonardo DiCaprio gives $ 5 million for the fight with the fires in the Amazon. The Environmental Protection Fund (EPF), which also features Steve Jobs' widow, has announced that the funds are available.

DiCaprio is heavily involved in the fight against the climate change and has repeatedly called for the Amazon situation to be taken seriously by the world elite.

Jeff Bezos Sold Amazon Stock Worth Several Billion Dollars

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos sold Amazon stock worth several billion dollars in just one week, according to, quoting Reuters. The company didn't officially comment on the transaction.

On Thursday and Friday, the CEO of the largest online retailer offloaded $ 990 million worth of shares, and Amazon's total shares which were sold by Bezos last week reached $ 2.8 billion.

Amazon Closes its Online Shopping Platform in China

The global online e-commerce store admits that support for third-country traders in the mainland of the world's second-largest economy will be halted, reported

In view of the pressure from competitors, Inc. said on Thursday that it is planned "operational corrections" in China to "focus more on cross-border sales."
