
Amorgos Municipality fined for illegal road construction

The Municipality of Amorgos in the Cycladic islands has been fined by regional authorities for unlawfully constructing three new roads.

Following complaints filed with the Regional authority of the South Aegean and the Ombudsman by conservation groups and local residents, officials launched on-site inspections in 2021.

Amorgos’ pioneering fishermen

Fishermen from the island of Amorgos, the easternmost of the Cyclades, are calling for the establishment of three marine areas where fishing will be banned, as well as a 1.5-nautical mile zone around the island where the ban would apply in April and May - the breeding months for most fish species.

Coast guard rescues 90 migrants off Amorgos

Ninety migrants have been evacuated by coast guard from a vessel that was spotted at dawn 10 nautical miles southeast of the Cycladic island of Amorgos.

It is understood that a passenger on the sailboat called the 112 emergency number to say the vessel was in difficulty.

Two coast guard and two private vessels made their way to the location, where force 5 winds were blowing.

Niche cruises discussed at Posidonia Sea Tourism Forum

Luxury cruise guests seek out of secret gem destinations with unique human and sustainable experiences, last week's Posidonia Sea Tourism Forum heard.

"Going to homes of local people or spending time with a local chef are just a couple of examples," said Constantine Venetopoulos, director of communications and PR at Variety Cruises.
