Anglican saints
Saint Barbara’s Day: A Blend of Faith, Folklore, and Festive Customs in Bulgaria
On December 4, the Orthodox Church commemorates Saint Barbara, a revered figure in Christian tradition and folklore. Known as the patron saint of those who passed away suddenly, without the opportunity to repent and receive communion, Saint Barbara's life and martyrdom are deeply rooted in both history and legend.
Bulgarian Palm Sunday: Faith, Tradition, and Celebration
The Feast of the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem, also known as Palm Sunday (Tsvetnitsa), recounts the historical events that preceded the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It ushers in Holy Week, especially emphasizing the suffering of Good Friday. The feast is celebrated on the Sunday before Easter and has a variable date.
Celebrating Lazarus Saturday: Bulgarian Customs and Spiritual Heritage
Lazarus Saturday is a Christian holiday dedicated to Lazarus of Bethany and his miraculous resurrection by Jesus Christ and celebrated on the Saturday before the feast of Palm Sunday and Holy Week. Traditionally, green willow branches are broken off on Lazarus Day to adorn the doors on the following day, Palm Sunday.
Bible claimed to be 2,000 years old seized in Bursa
The gendarmerie have seized a Bible, which is claimed to be 2,000 years old, inscribed on papyrus made from deer skin in Bursa province in the Marmara Region.
Orthodox Celebration: Honoring the Mother of God on the Second Day of Christmas
In the Orthodox Church, December 26 marks a significant celebration dedicated to the Holy Mother of God and Saint Joseph, commemorating their roles in the life of Jesus Christ.
Bulgarian Orthodox Church Celebrates St. Anne Day
Today the Orthodox Church celebrates the conception of St. Anna. In the calendar of the Orthodox Church this holiday is closely connected with the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin.
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PhD thesis: The earth is flat!
Last week, a huge scandal rocked the Tunisian and Arab scientific and educational world: a PhD student submitted a thesis declaring Earth to be flat, unmoving, young (only 13,500 years of age), and the centre of the universe.
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Ensemble 1619 | Athens | October 8
Ensemble 1619, namely cembalist Gerasimos Hoidas, soprano Anastasia Symeonidou and violinist Giorgos Zacharoudis, are scheduled to perform a medley of baroque works composed by Handel, Purcell and Bach at the German Church in Athens on Saturday, October 8. Starts at 8.30 p.m. and admission costs 10 euros.
German Church in Athens, 66 Sina, tel 210.361.2713
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Top 10 furry Instagram shots for World Animal Day (warning: adorable pet pics)
World Animal Day is an international day of action for animal rights and welfare celebrated annually on October 4, the feast day of Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals. Instagram users took to the net to immortalize their furry friends!
Bulgarians Celebrate Saints Peter and Paul’s Day
June 29 marks the day of the Apostles St. Peter and St. Pavel (Paul) in the Bulgarian Orthodox calendar.
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