Animal anatomy

Grim Discovery in Sofia's Zapaden Park: Body Found with Hands Tied

In a chilling turn of events, the lifeless body of a man was discovered in Sofia's "Zapaden Park" yesterday, as reported by NovaTV.

The circumstances surrounding the man's death remain shrouded in mystery, but sources from NovaTV indicate that his hands were bound with pig tails, adding a disturbing layer to the investigation.

According to a Study Women's Brains Appear 'Years Younger' than Men's

Women tend to outlive men and stay mentally sharp longer, and a new study out Monday could explain why: female brains appear on average about three years younger, reports AFP. 

The study enrolled 121 women and 84 men, who underwent PET scans to measure brain metabolism, or the flow of oxygen and glucose in their brains.

The definition of beauty in 10 countries (video)

One man’s meat is another man’s poison. This adage could not be truer when it comes to the perception of beauty and sexy around the world. Different nationalities and cultures hold varying views of what is considered hot and what not. You would surprised to know that Japanese value the ‘vampire tooth’ on women, as they see it as a sign of youth and innocence.

Study finds brains of poorer children shrink in size

As if the brain drain causing Greece’s most educated to leave the country for a better future abroad wasn’t a big enough problem for Greece, the latest scientific research shows that children from low-income families feel the effects on their brains. The stress of poverty, even very small differences in income, can have major effects on brain development.
