
Nationalist Party Proposes Bulgaria to Join Russian-led Coalition Against IS

The leader of the opposition nationalist party Ataka, Volen Siderov, proposed Bulgaria to join the Russian-led international coalition against Islamic State (IS).

The draft proposal was tabled on Tuesday and Ataka calls on parliament to review it on Wednesday, daily Dnevnik informs.

Bulgarian Farmers Hit By Russia Sanctions May Expect Compensations Totaling EUR 398 000

Fruit and vegetable growers in Bulgaria may expect compensations of up to EUR 398 000 from the EU for the losses incurred as a result of the sanctions imposed on Russia and the country's response to that policy, according to Deputy Prime Minister Tomislav Donchev.

Bulgaria's Ataka Attending Int'l Forum of Far-Right Parties in Russia

Bulgarian nationalist party Ataka seems to have a key role in the International Russian Conservative forum held March 22 in St Petersburg, Russia.

Ataka's leader Volen Siderov is one of only nine people described as "foreign participants" in a list that pops up after setting one's mouse on the "Partners and participants" section.

Bulgaria's Debt Proposal 'Imposed from Outside to Finance War' - Nationalist Leader

Bulgaria is being imposed from abroad the EUR 8 B debt proposal now put forward for a vote in Parliament, nationalist Ataka party's leader Volen Siderov has argued.

Siderov has told the Bulgarian National Television that the prospective foreign borrowing is to be used "for military purposes".

Bulgarian MPs Reject Proposal for Limiting Sanctions Against Russia

The Bulgarian Parliament rejected on Wednesday to include the proposal, which calls for limiting the extension of sanctions against Russia, for discussion in its weekly agenda.

The proposal of the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) was first rejected by the parliamentary Foreign Policy Committee on January 21, daily Dnevnik reports.
