The Apprentice

Hurting friends and helping enemies

Donald Trump's decision to declare victory in Syria and pull US troops out of the country is shocking on many levels. Perhaps the greatest shock is that it undermines one of the few, hitherto unshakeable, principles of how the world works: there are no friendships in diplomacy, only national interests.

Trump threatens shutdown in wild encounter with Democrats

In a wild Oval Office confrontation, President Donald Trump heatedly threatened to shut down the U.S. government Tuesday as he and Democratic leaders bickered over funding for his promised border wall and offered a grim preview of life in Washington the next two years under divided government.

Trump Meets with German Auto Executives

Donald Trump met Tuesday with executives of Germany's three top auto manufacturers, amid efforts by Washington and Brussels to resolve the US president's complaints about imbalanced trade in the sector, reports AFP. 

After the talks, the executives sounded optimistic about averting Trump's threat to impose tariffs on auto imports.

Trump Says Doesn't Believe own Government's Climate Warning

President Donald Trump said Monday he doesn't believe his own government's report last week warning of massive economic losses if carbon emissions continue to feed climate change unchecked, reports AFP. 

"I don't believe it," Trump said at the White House, adding that the United States would not take measures to cut emissions if the same was not done in other countries.
