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It's official: Donald Trump - The Next US President

BELGRADE - Trump has won 276 electoral votes, becoming the 45th president of the United States. His rival Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Party candidate, did not concede the election from her headquarters in New York.

Addressing his supporters, Trump said that his counterpart Hillary Clinton has fought hard. He also confirmed that she congratulated him on victory.

Donald Trump Elected US President

Donald Trump has won the US presidential election after a heated race with Hillary Clinton.

The real estate mogul will become the 45th President of the United States. He will move into the White House in January.

As of 08:00 GMT, he has won 288 electoral votes, 270 being needed to become President, according to various projections.

Trump 45th President of the United States

Donald Trump took a dramatic win, becoming the 45th US President as he managed to win 276 electors, 7 over the 270 threshold necessary. Trump recorded crucial battleground victories in Florida, North Carolina and Ohio, Alaska and Pensylvania. The victories are stunning for a candidate long seen as unlikely to win the presidency. Hillary Clinton conceded her defeat’s.

Thoughts about the next US president

By the time you are reading these lines, the presidential election in the United States will be over. You will know, in other words, whether the next American president will be Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. But I am writing these lines many hours before the election results. I have no idea, therefore, who will be the next leader of the world's superpower. 
