Architectural elements
Hagia Sophia dome a challenging technical undertaking
Restoring the dome of Hagia Sophia is an immensely complex task, requiring extensive scientific research and advanced technical expertise. As Greek experts point out, one additional challenge is that the dome had already collapsed three times in the Byzantine era, resulting in its composition of four sections from different periods.
Hurriyet: Hagia Sophia dome to be dismantled for restoration
The iconic dome of Hagia Sophia in Istanbul will be dismantled as part of an extensive restoration project to preserve the historic monument's structural integrity, Turkish newspaper Hurriyet reported.
Reopening of the Church of Megali Panagia in Samarina
The restoration and reinforcement work on the church has been completed, allowing it to reopen to the public. The ceremony, organized by the Metropolis of Grevena in collaboration with the Municipality of Grevena, took place yesterday, on the feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos.
The ghosts of California’s most utopian experiments live in the remains of communes
As you slow to a crawl, a couple of chimney stacks come into view, the final remnants of a large building a few feet from the road’s shoulder
10 Most Famous Greek Temples: Temple of Apollo Epicurius
It has examples of all three classical orders of the Greek architecture