
Flood-hit Black Sea province tries to recover

Authorities participating in a massive cleanup operation in the flood-hit Black Sea province of Artvin have said a man is missing, some 39 buildings have been torn down and around 1,500 houses have been damaged across the province.

The city was devastated by floods triggered by heavy precipitation on July 22, when some 170 kilograms of rain poured down per square meter.

Rainfall reached Turkey: torrent carries everything; bridges collapsed VIDEO / PHOTO

Heavy rains affected the province of Rize, as well as other areas, and torrents and landslides caused great material damage.
Many residential and business buildings were flooded, as well as agricultural land.
Many businesses in the industrial zone in Murgul, Artvin, were also flooded.

Floodwater reveals illegal dumping site in Black Sea town

Catastrophic rain that killed eight people in the Black Sea region of Artvin has revealed an illegal dumping site, as floodwater dragged piles of garbage towards the coast. 

As garbage filled the coastal roads of Artvin, it came to light the Hopa and Arhavi municipalities had been illegally dumping waste on an area on the backside of a mountain's outskirts. 

Court halts construction of urban hydroelectric plant in Black Sea port

A local administrative court has halted the construction of a hydroelectric power plant (HES) in the center of the Black Sea port of Arhavi in the northeastern province of Artvin, canceling the environmental impact report submitted to the authorities by the company.

Locals sue first hydroelectric plant construction planned in center of Black Sea town

Hydroelectric plant (HES) projects that are spreading like fungus across Turkey, particularly in the eastern Black Sea provinces, continue to cause controversy, with locals of Artvin province’s Arhavi resorting to legal action to halt the first such plant planned in the center of the coastal town.