
How Right-Wingers Thwarted a War Crime Commemoration in Bosnia

It commemorates the issuing of a decree in May 1992 by the wartime Bosnian Serb authorities in Prijedor, which was announced on Radio Prijedor, telling all non-Serbs to mark their houses with white flags or bedsheets and to wear white armbands when going outside - an incident that has become symbolic of the deadly campaign of persecution in the area at the time.

Bosnia’s Prijedor Mourns Wartime Child Deaths Despite Covid-19

The commemoration was a scaled-down version of the annual White Armband Day event in Prijedor, where large-scale crimes were committed during the war including killings, expulsions and the unlawful detentions of civilians in prison camps.

A total of 3,176 people were killed in the area, among them 256 women and 102 children - the majority of them Bosniaks.