Atmospheric dynamics

NIMH: Mostly Sunny With Temperatures Up to 34°

The weather will be mostly sunny today. Clouds will develop in the afternoon mainly in the eastern and mountainous regions, with almost no rains.

There will be light to moderate eastern wind. Maximum temperatures will range between 29° and 34°, announced from the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (NIMH), cited by FOCUS News Agency.

NIMH: Mostly Sunny Weather, Temperatures Up to 33°

The weather will be mostly sunny today. Clouds over eastern regions will quickly scatter and decrease. There will be light, in the eastern half of the country to moderate northern wind. Maximum temperatures will stand at 28° to 33°, in Sofia around 28°.

This is the weather forecast of the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (NIMH), cited by FOCUS News Agency.

Weather on Sunday: Mostly fair

Weather is expected to be mostly fair on Sunday, with chance of rain in the eastern regions of Greece and the islands.

Wind velocity will reach 5 on the Beaufort scale.

Temperatures will be low in most parts of the country, ranging from -2C to 14C.

Partly cloudy in Athens, 3C-12C. Mostly fair in Thessaloniki, 0C- 11C.
