Automobile costs

Drivers Will Not be Required to Show Their Electronic Vignette

Drivers will not be required to show their electronic vignette or any proof of payment, as the authorities will do checks electronically, the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works said.

This is part of the draft decree on the setting up and operation of the mixed toll system for road vehicles, published by the ministry for public discussion.

Extra fine for skipping a KTEO test

Some 1 million vehicle owners have just four days left before Saturday's deadline by which their car, truck or motor cycle must have passed a roadworthiness test at a public or private roadworthiness testing center (KTEO), otherwise they face an additional fine of 150 euros to be imposed through the Finance Ministry's Taxisnet.

500 Terminals for e-vignettes will Operate Across Bulgaria from 2019

Electronic vignette stickers will be sold at 500 terminals in the country. Drivers will be able to buy them via a mobile application or through the Road Infrastructure Agency website. The first tests of the terminals were made in the presence of journalists yesterday, 18th of September, and the system will come into effect from the beginning of next year.

Bulgarian Parliament Adopts Introduction of Toll Road System

Sofia. The Parliament has adopted today final amendments to the Roads Act, which introduce a mixed system for charging different categories of motor vehicles and fees based on time and distance travelled, Focus News Agency reports. The amount of the fees will be proposed by the regional minister and the minister of finance.

Toll System in Bulgaria will More than Double Income for Road Maintenance and Repair

Sofia. The toll system will increase the income for road maintenance and repair two- to threefold, Stefan Chaikov, former manager of the Road Infrastructure Agency and World Bank consultant on the introduction of the new system, said in an interview with Focus News Agency.

GERB: Bulgarian Municipal Roads will not be Funded via Tolls

Sofia. Toll proceeds will not fund municipal roads, other options will be sought for those roads, GERB MP Aleksandar Nenkov told reporters in connection with the draft on roads, Focus News Agency reports. Nenkov explained that all proceeds from the toll system would be channelled to road maintenance, but not to municipal infrastructure.
