
100 Days to Brexit

Tomorrow marks 100 days before we leave the European Union.

If everything goes to plan the date for Brexit is March 29 2019.

There is still a chance the process could be halted or delayed or we could crash out a without a deal.


UK and EU 'Agree Text' of Draft Withdrawal Agreement

UK and EU officials have agreed the draft text of a Brexit agreement after months of negotiations, reported BBC. 

A cabinet source told the BBC that the document has been agreed at a technical level by officials from both sides after intensive discussions this week.

A special cabinet meeting will be held at 14:00 GMT on Wednesday as Theresa May seeks ministers' backing.

Today Will Become Clear Whether There Will be an Areement on Brexit in November

Britain has all but given up on a special Brexit summit at the end of November as there remain too many sticking points to complete the talks in the time originally hoped for.

UK and EU negotiators were talking until 2.45am on Monday night, Downing Street said, but sources downplayed the prospect of any immediate breakthrough as the impasse on the Irish border backstop continues.