Baleen whale

Scientists solve whale song mystery

Whales sing loud enough that their songs travel through the ocean, but knowing the mechanics behind that has been a mystery.

Scientists now think they have an idea, and it's something not seen in other animals: A specialized voice box.

Experts say the discovery, while based on a study that is too tiny to be definitive, will direct future research into how whales communicate.

12-million-year-old whale fossil skull found in Maryland

A whale skull fossil estimated to be some 12 million years old has been found on a beach in the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland, according to a local museum.

The discovery was made in October by a Pennsylvania man, Cody Goddard, who was searching for fossils and shark's teeth, the Calvert Marine Museum said in a statement.

Gigantic ancient arthropod was really 'a very peaceful guy'

It was big. It was weird. And this monster from the primordial seas was also a trend-setter.

Scientists on March 11 announced the discovery in southeastern Morocco of beautifully preserved fossils of a huge arthropod - the group that includes crabs, scorpions, insects, spiders, centipedes and more - that lived 480 million years ago.