Bernard Arnault

Forbes Recognizes Two Bulgarians Among World's Richest Individuals Yet Again

In the latest unveiling of Forbes' prestigious billionaires list for 2024, the world witnesses a dynamic panorama of wealth distribution and economic shifts. Among the familiar names in the rankings are the brothers Kiril and Georgi Domuschievi, albeit with a notable decline in their fortunes, placing them at 1545th position. 2,781 people from 78 nations were Included in Forbes' ranking.

Billionaires’ share of global wealth soars during pandemic

The share of global wealth of the world's richest people soared at a record pace during the Covid pandemic, a report on inequality showed on Dec. 7.    

Since 1995, the slice held by billionaires has risen from one percent to three percent, according to the World Inequality Report.    

Nine of the Wealthiest Businessmen Lost $ 18 Billion in a Day

The nine richest businessmen in the world lost about $ 18 billion together on Wednesday, Forbes said, citing real-time ratings.

The publication explained the sharp decline in their fortunes with the fall of US equities after the Dow Jones Index hit its biggest drop in 2019 on Wednesday.