
Attica couple tried to sell Byzantine coins

A married couple, both 45, were arrested in Attica on Thursday on charges of trying to sell illegally owned coins dating to the Byzantine era over the internet.

Authorities were led to the couple after police in the northern port city of Thessaloniki on Wednesday seized three parcels containing five coins which arrived at a courier's office.

Two arrested over possession of ancient coins in Florina

A 32-year-old man has been arrested in the town of Florina, northern Greece, over the illegal possession of a total of 46 medieval and ancient coins - most of which experts have dated to the Hellenistic and Byzantine eras.

Police said they made the arrest on Thursday after receiving a tip-off.

Bulgarian Archaeologists Find Rare Byzantine Gold Coin in Perperikon

A rare Byzantine gold coin dating back to the 11th century has been found in the ancient city of Perperikon, the renowned Bulgarian archaeologist Nikolay Ovcharov revealed on Sunday.

The coin made of 23-carat gold is depicting Byzantine Emperor Basil II (976-1025) and his younger brother Emperor Constantine VIII (1025-1028).