
Guitar Owned by Prince was Sold for USD 700,000 at an Auction

Prince's guitar was sold for $ 700,000 at auction at Julien's Auctions, AP reported. The price is record-breaking for the musician's guitar, the auction house said.

There was a real war between the bidders for the blue-green guitar. Thus, the price was much higher than the preliminary estimate from $ 60,000 to $ 80,000.

Winning bidder for TV license fails to make first payment, withdraws from contention

The government was licking its wounds Monday after Yiannis Kalogritsas, one of four winning bidders in a recent auction of nationwide television licenses - and under increasing public scrutiny over his suitability as a candidate - withdrew from contention after his company was unable to pay the first installment of the license fee on time.

Bulgarian Businessman Reportedly Acquires Vivacom for EUR 330 M

The Bulgarian businessman Spas Rusev has reportedly acquired the leading Bulgarian telecommunications company Vivacom after a bidding, which lasted for nearly sixteen hours.

According to media reports, he won the auction by offering EUR 330 M, Darik radio reports.

The other bidder was the Greek businessman Panos Germanos, who is owner of the Olympia Group.
