
Crafty cockatoos master dumpster diving and teach each other

A few years ago, a Sydney scientist noticed a sulfur-crested cockatoo opening his trash bin. Not every resident would be thrilled, but ornithologist Richard Major was impressed by the ingenuity.

It's quite a feat for a bird to grasp a bin lid with its beak, pry it open, then shuffle far enough along the bin's edge that the lid falls backward, revealing edible trash treasures inside.

Hersek Lagoon: Summer birds’ incubation spot

Hersek Lagoon in northwestern Turkey, in addition to being home to water birds, hosts summer migratory birds that come to the area for incubation. 

The 152-hectare lagoon in Altinova district - known as bird hotel among residents because some species spending the fall and winter months there - sent the winter migrating waterfowls to other countries.

Birds get shelter from biting cold in Turkey’s east

The harsh winters in eastern Turkey can prove to be a bane for the toughest of creatures.

The season is particularly arduous for birds, who are left without shelter as the freezing cold devours all foliage.

However, a community in the province of Kars has banded together to come up with a possible solution, making and putting up small wooden birdhouses around their village.

Turkish professor finds 5 types of bacteria in eyes of gentoo penguins

A Turkish professor who participated in the 3rd National Antarctic Scientific Expedition between Jan. 4 and Feb. 14, 2019, found five different bacteria in the eyes of a penguin species called "gentoo penguin."

"These bacteria are not yet identified or categorized across the world," said Latife Çakır Bayram from the Erciyes University in Turkey's central province of Kayseri.
